Bulgaria had not one but two Great Bulgarian Empires, accessing three seas and ruling over almost the entire Balkan peninsula between the 7th and 11th centuries. Now you have the opportunity to visit the largest and first-ever cultural-historical and entertainment educational park of this kind in the world.
The Historical Park is the new, exciting and a massive cultural, historical object and is placed in the village of Neofit Rilski, in Vetrino municipality, about 35 km west of Varna. The location is very comfortable since it is near the E70 international highway (Highway Hemus). The Park offers Bulgarian and foreign visitors an interactive trip up to 10,000 years back in time during the five eras of human civilization.
From the Chalcolithic and Neolithic times, through the glorious history of the Thracians and Rome, until the First and Second Bulgarian Kingdom during the Middle Ages. One of the main aims of its creation is to present the rich and ancient history and culture of Bulgaria to national and foreign visitors. In the Historical Park visitors, are part of a whole new experience and adventure, and you will learn from Bulgarian history, life, military, and social system of the diversity of people who inhabited Bulgarian land.
Visitors will see the authentic architecture, historical monuments, and records, also real historical performances, treasure replicas, even natural food and dishes made on ancient recipes, and the complex will offer accommodation in guesthouses with special and historical themed furniture.
In the Historical Park, the spirit of different ages is presented in an intelligible way.
Ancient Balkan population, the oldest golden treasure of the world in Varna Chalcolithic Necropolis – 7,000 years BC;
Ancient Thracians and the Odrysian kingdom V – I ages BC;
Roman invaders and the civilization of the Roman empire on our land – 45-46 AD;
Bulgarians and Slavs finally conquered the Balkan peninsula at the end of VII century AD (680/681) and created a new civilization divided into First and Second Bulgarian Kingdoms.
From now on, every child, every man or woman will be able to travel back in time and learn about the great people who inhabited these magical lands.
